Celery Oleoresin
The oleoresin derived from the dried rip seeds of the cultivated plants of Apium Graveolens Linn. It contains 1.5 - 3.0 percent of pale yellow volatile oil; 15 €“ 17 percent of fixed oil is resins. The volatile oil has a very strong aromatic flavour, which chiefly contains d-limonene and sedanolides responsible for the characteristic flavour. Celery Oleoresin is also used as stimulant, carminative, nervine, sedative and even in tonic. It is also used to flavour soft drinks and unpleasant medicaments.
Botanical Name : Apium graveolens
Family Name : Umbelliferae
Name in some International Languages : Spanish €“ Aipo , Arabic - Karafs , Chinese €“ Chin
Flavour Characteristics : Slightly Bitter
Usage Profile : Perfumery, medicines & food
Commercial part : Dried Fruit
Harvesting Season : August to September
Description : Oleoresin celery is obtained by the solvent extraction of the Dried seeds of Apium graveolens
Colour & appearance : Greenish yellow in colour & free flowing liquid
Volatile oil content : 11%
Residual solvent : <10 ppm
Solubility : Oil dispersible
Yeast & Mould : NIL
Pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins : Absent
Purity : Pure celery oleoresin ( no other additives)
Storage : Store preferably in air tight containers and keep in a cool & dry place protected from light.