Quick Facts
Botanical Name: Homalomena aromatica
Family Name: Araceae
Common Name: Gandhi Roots, fragrant swamp, pavonia and fragrant pavonia.
Part used: Crushed roots
Specific Gravity: 1.47
Refractive Index: 1.468
Optical Rotation: -98
Blends well with: Sugandh mantri essential oil blends well with rosewood and sandalwood oils.
Uses: Sugandha Mantri is known for its subtle and captivating aroma that calms and brings peace to human mind. It is widely used in spiritual healing and helps in relaxing. The oil helps improve the immune system of the body and its functions. The oil is good for treating diseases like cold, infections, injury and emotional stress etc. Sugandha Mantri oil is used for the production of different kinds of perfumes like attars, hina, shamama etc. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, antidepressants and can assist in meditation, spiritual healing and calming the nerves. The oil is widely used in the aromatherapy because of its purity and aroma.
Countries where it is found: India
Harvest Information
The plants are most found in the swamps mainly in India. The leaves of this plant are heart shaped and the fruit is spherical in shape. The plant is a moisture and shade loving species and grows best under 40-60% shade. The plant being a sub-tropical species it loves warm and humid climate with annual rainfall ranging from 2000-3000 mm. Plant height varies from 0.45-0.75 m, slightly more in shady areas. The best time of planting is April to June with pre-monsoon shower to the beginning of monsoon. The right method of planting is the ridge and furrow method.
Land is prepared by deep tilling or hoeing and sufficient quantity of organic matter is added to cultivate the plant. The plant can be harvested during the second year of its growth. However it has been proved that more profit and yield is got when the plant is harvested in the third year.
History of Plant
Sugandh mantri is an aromatic perennial herb found in Assam, lower altitudes of Arunachal, Nagaland, Tripurain India. The plant has short stem and is slow growing. The leaves are radical with sheathing bases, long petioled and sagittate - cordate. The large rhizomes bearing withered leaf scales and numerous white rootlets are esteemed as an aromatic stimulant. Its aromatic rhizomes contain an essential oil used for blending of most oriental perfume. The Traditional Chinese medicine also makes use of this oil for the treatment of various diseases. They named this plant qian nian jian which means thousand years of health. In Manipur the people grind this root and make a paste of it and use it for skin ailments.
Extraction Process:
The extraction process is Steam Distillation
Commonly known Benefits
Sugandh mantri oil has an exotic aroma and is often used in aroma therapy. Though it is used for physical ailments like rheumatism, cold, fever, it is frequently used in curing mind related problems like depression. Its calming effect has become its trademark and this oil is used for relaxing the mind and is used in spiritual practices as well