Very few people reach old age without getting arthritis in some form or other. In America alone, some 43 million people are known to suffer from arthritis. Arthritis is known as the old people disease though some forms of it attack younger people too. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and gout are the most widely known forms of arthritis. The wearing down and loss of cartilage is the chief feature of osteoarthritis. The bones in a joint are kept separate by tough tissues called cartilage. Cartilage cushions the bones and prevents them from rubbing against each other. When this cushioning degenerates and thins, the bones come in contact with each other and cause pain. In osteoarthritis, there is not much inflammation but there is hardening of the joint and growth of bony protrusions called spurs.
Arthritis Of The Young
Rheumatoid arthritis is not associated with the aging process. In this form of arthritis, the lining of a joint or the synovial membrane becomes inflamed. The reasons for this are unclear. The affected joint is often swollen, red and hot. As the disease progresses, the joint becomes stiff and there is considerable damage and pain. Rheumatoid arthritis involves the whole body with fatigue, fever and weight loss commonly reported. Gout occurs when the body is not able to metabolize purines. Purines are chemicals that occur naturally in certain foods, for example, liver, kidneys and certain types of fish. Lupus is a disorder of the auto immune system where the healthy cells of the body are attacked by the own immune system.
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Home Remedies Simple But Effective
Fortunately there are many home remedies that let you cope with arthritis. Arthritis has no cure as of now, so it is important to find home remedies that suit you the best. A mixture of honey and cinnamon powder has been found to be effective against arthritis of the hands. Arthritis of the hands is the most common form of arthritis. The combination of honey with its antiseptic qualities and cinnamon with its anti-inflammatory qualities helps to relax the stiff muscles and eases pain in the joints. A tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning.
Olive Oil And Epsom Salt
Olive oil is good to have in arthritic conditions. A compound called oleocanthal present in olive oil retards the production of enzymes which promote inflammation. Use Olive Oil for Cooking whenever you can. Use it for massaging hands and fingers too. Adding lavender to olive oil and letting it infuse in gentle sunlight works well to reduce discomfort and boost a sense of well-being. Epsom salt has long since been recognized as being beneficial in the treatment of arthritis. If you hands are affected, soaking them in warm water mixed with Epsom salt for at least thirty minutes will help to reduce inflammation and pain. The warmth of the water and the magnesium in the salt will bring some flexibility to your hands.
Starchy Potatoes
The starch from potatoes taken on an empty stomach helps arthritis. The anti-inflammatory qualities that potato has along with the anti-oxidant properties reduce inflammation. Thickly slice a potato without peeling it and steep it in cold water over night. In the morning, strain the liquid and drink it first thing in the morning. You can also grate a potato finely and squeeze out its juice. Dilute and drink. Another way to ease pain is to massage the painful area with castor oil. Castor oil has components that reduce pain and stiffness. Drinking a spoonful of castor oil with a glass of juice could also help.
Garlic Is Good
Garlic is effective in treating arthritis as it has splendid anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Garlic contains a substance called allicin that suppresses inflammation and encourages healing. Garlic can be eaten in raw or cooked form. You need to eat at least 8 cloves per day. To eat raw, crush in a mortar and pestle and swallow without chewing. It can be swallowed whole also. Choose small cloves for this. You could cheat by inserting a clove of garlic in a slice of banana and swallowing it whole. Throw in a couple of cloves of garlic into your cooking every day. Warm a cup of mustard oil and slice some garlic into it and infuse for some time. When still warm, use the oil to massage your hands and fingers.
Make hot water your friend to get rid of joint pain. Soak a towel in hot water and wring out the excess. Lay the hot towel over your hands and let the heat seep in. Do this several times in a day. The heat lubricates the joints better. In arthritis, there is loss of lubrication and cushioning, hence the pain. Do hand exercise holding the hand in a bowl of water. The buoyancy of water will help the exercises easier to do. Cold compresses are also effective especially when there is inflammation and the area is hot. You can use either ice cubes wrapped in a tower or a bag of frozen peas. Insulate your skin to protect against frostbite. Alternating hot and cold applications also help. Not all people respond well to the cold treatment. Try it out and judge for yourself.
Turmeric, Naturally Good
Turmeric has many healing properties. It is used extensively in natural medicine as it has splendid anti-inflammatory properties. For relief from arthritic pain, boil a cup of milk with two generous pinches of turmeric and have it with a tablespoon of honey. Turmeric can also be used with mustard oil as a rub after heating the mixture first. Rub of the affected parts and massage gently for 10 minutes after which it can be washed off with warm water. Apple cider vinegar is also a much touted remedy for arthritic pain. This substance has got anti-inflammatory and alkalizing properties that reduce pain and make movements smoother. Daily have couple of spoon in a glass of warm water. Sweeten with honey to make it more palatable. A poultice can be made with cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar to smear on the affected areas. Leave it on for ten minutes and then wash off